ISSTA 2019

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ISSTA 2019
The 28th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
Event in series ISSTA
Dates 2019/07/15 (iCal) - 2019/07/19
Submitting link:
Location: Beijing, China
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Important dates
Submissions: 2019/01/28
Notification: 2019/05/01
Camera ready due: 2019/06/05
Registration link:
Early bird student: $ 560 / {{{Early bird fee reduced}}}
Property "Early bird fee reduced" (as page type) with input value "{{{Early bird fee reduced}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
On site student: $ 660 / {{{On site fee reduced}}}
Property "On site fee reduced" (as page type) with input value "{{{On site fee reduced}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Early bird regular: $ 1400
On site regular: $ 1550
Papers: Submitted 142 / Accepted 32 (22.5 %)
Organizers: ACM
General chairs: Dongmei Zhang
PC chairs: Anders Møller, Alex Groce, Moonzoo Kim
Keynote speaker: Mark Harman, Eran Yahav, Stephen J. Fink, Nurit Dor, G. Ramalingam, Emmanuel Geay, Adam Kiezun, Philip Guo, Peter Hooimeijer, Michael D. Ernst, Vijay Ganesh
Table of Contents

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