L@S 2018

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L@S 2018
5th Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale
Event in series L@S
Dates 2018/06/26 (iCal) - 2018/06/28
Homepage: https://learningatscale.acm.org/las2018/
Location: London, UK
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General chairs: Rose Luckin
PC chairs: Scott Klemmer, Kenneth Koedinger
Table of Contents

the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale, L@S 2018, held on June 26-28 at UCL Institute of Education, London, UK.

Facts about "L@S 2018"
AcronymL@S 2018 +
End dateJune 28, 2018 +
Event in seriesL@S +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates51° 29' 22", -0° 8' 39"Latitude: 51.489333333333
Longitude: -0.14405555555556
Has general chairRose Luckin +
Has location cityLondon +
Has location countryCategory:UK +
Has program chairScott Klemmer + and Kenneth Koedinger +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJune 26, 2018 +
Title5th Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale +