Lisbon is located in Portugal
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ICEAT 2024, ITS Europe 2023, ACMMM 2022, VR 2021, ISS 2020, EAMT 2020, ICIW 2020, ENERGY 2020, MOBILITY 2020, ICNS 2020, ICIMP 2020, ICAS 2020, DBKDA 2020, IMMM 2020, WEB 2020, SMART 2020, SIGNAL 2020, SPWID 2020, SafeComp 2020, PIDapalooza 2020, IEEE IECON 2019, ECKM 2019, SEKE 2019, IFIP SEC 2019, EDBT 2019, PADL 2019, VL/HCC 2018, ISWCS 2018, QRS 2018, OPODIS 2017, RO-MAN 2017, ICSoft 2016, EICS 2017, ICMIT 2017, ICMEP 2017, IM 2017, Hybrid Materials 2017, CETC 2016, QoMEX 2016, EMNLP 2015, SENSORNETS 2014, MODELSWARD 2014, PECCS 2014, EKAW 2010, IWAT 2010, IOLTS 2009, POWERENG 2009, VISAPP 2009, IBERAMIA 2008, EPOS 2008... further results