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The following events of the series MODELS are currently known in this wiki:

 OrdinalFromToCityCountryGeneral chairPC chairAcceptance rateAttendees
MODELS 202124Oct 10Oct 15FukuokaJapanZhenjiang Hu
MODELS 202023Oct 18Oct 23Canada
MODELS 2009Oct 4Oct 9DenverUSA
MODELS 2008Sep 28Oct 3ToulouseFrance
MODELS 2007Sep 30Oct 5NashvilleUSA

Number of Submitted and Accepted Papers (Main Track)

The chart or graph is empty due to missing data

Acceptance Rate

The chart or graph is empty due to missing data


2000 km
1000 mi
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap

Facts about "MODELS"
EventSeries acronymMODELS +
IsAEventSeries +