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ICMVA 2025, ICINT 2025, ICSEE 2025, ISCMI 2024, ICMIE 2024, ACAE 2024, ICCAE 2024, ICVARS 2024, ICSMR 2022, ICFCM 2022, ICFCM 2021, ASE 2021, CAiSE 2021, ICCMS 2021, ICICA 2021, WI-IAT 2020, ICCL 2020, IEEE/WIC/ACM 2020, ASE 2020, CCGrid 2020, CCGRID 2020, WSDM 2019, ISPA 2018, ACL 2018, SIGDIAL 2018, PAKDD 2018, ICSMR 2017 : 2017 3rd International Conference on Smart Material Research (ICSMR 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex, ICFCM 2017 : 2017 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Composite Materials (ICFCM 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex, CP 2017, IJCAI 2017, 5GU 2017, ISBI 2017, IEEE-ICM 2016, ICOT 2016, ITSWC 2016, CIKM 2015, PODS 2015, SIGMOD 2015, IGARSS 2013, ISPA 2013, QoMEX 2012, WAMICON 2010, DRAWING OUT 2010, ISBB 2009, ISWPC 2009, ICPADS 2008, ICSSSM 2008, ICONN 2008, ALTA 2007, CollECTeR 2007... further results