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CRET 2025, CompAuto 2024, ICBRA 2024, ICBEB 2024, ICMRE 2024, AEIC 2024, PSET 2023, DEBS 2021, ICPR 2020, MDAI 2019, EPS 2019, CLOUD 2019, SGP 2019, ICRE 2017 : 2017 3rd International Conference on Reliability Engineering (ICRE 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex, ICRE 2017, MobiHealth 2016, VPsummerschool 2016, IGARSS 2015, ISPA 2014, EC2ND 2009, MTSR 2009, WI/IAT 2009, HCINLE 2009, DIMVA 2009, WINSYS 2009, SIGMAP 2009, ICINCO 2009, IWRT 2009, ENASE 2009, WOSSEP 2008, SEC 2008, TCS 2008, QSWS 2008, BPM 2008, CBP 2008, MDE4BPM 2008, ProHealth 2008