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CSCW 2021, WINE 2019, EDM 2018, EC 2018, DCOSS 2018, WebSci 2017, ICML 2016, K-CAP 2015, WSDM 2014, SATSA 2010, WSDM 2010, WASPAA 2009, TC TESOL/AL Web Journal 2009, CIP 2009, SOI 2008, SMI 2008, ACNS 2008, SBMW 2008, SPM 2008, Policy 2008, IWCIA 2008, Co-Next 2007, TRUSTCOL 2007, WISE 2005, ACNS 2005, WWW 2004, ICAC 2004, PADS 2009, ICML 1989

Organizations and Institutions

Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal2