PALC 2009

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PALC 2009
Practical Applications in Language and Computers
Dates Apr 6, 2009 (iCal) - Apr 8, 2009
Location: Lodz, Poland
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Important dates
Submissions: Jan 31, 2009
Camera ready due: Jul 1, 2009
Table of Contents

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The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.

The Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics at Lodz University 
is proud to announce that the 7th international conference on PRACTICAL 
APPLICATIONS IN LANGUAGE AND COMPUTERS (PALC 2009) will be held over 3 days, 6 
to 8 April 2009 (arrival day 5 April) at the Lodz University Conference Centre 
in Lodz, Poland.

For over a decade, the PALC conferences have served the international 
community of corpus linguists by providing a useful forum for the exchange of 
views and ideas on how corpora and computational tools can be effectively 
employed to explore and advance our understanding of language.

The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Contrastive Studies and Language Corpora
* Discourse and Language Corpora
* ESP and Language Corpora
* Expert, Retrieval and Analytical Systems
* FLA/SLA and Language Corpora
* Language Teaching Materials and Language (Learner) Corpora/ICT
* Virtual Learning Environments
* E-testing
* Large (multilingual/multimodal) Corpora
* Lexicography and Language Corpora
* Cognition, Computers and Language
* Computer Translation Tools
* Machine Translation, Machine-aided Translation, Translation and Corpora
* E-books and Corpora and Literature


*Combinatorics (patterning) in specialized discourses (organized by Stanisław 
* E-learning (organized by Jacek Waliński & Przemek Krakowian)
* Exploring National Corpora (organized by Piotr Pęzik and Łukasz Dróżdż)

In addition, a special session on Slavic corpora will be held on 8 April 2009. 
Vladimir A. Plungjan, the head of the Russian National Corpus has accepted our 
invitation to open this session with a special lecture.

The following scholars have accepted our invitation to address the
conference as plenary speakers:

* Khurshid Ahmad, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
* Lou Burnard, Oxford University, UK
* Mark Davies, Brigham Young University, Provo, USA
* Ken Hyland, University of London, UK
* Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Aston University, Birmingham, UK
* Terttu Nevalainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
* Margaret Rogers, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics
University of Lodz
phone 48 42 6655220
fax    48 42 6655221

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "PALC 2009"
AcronymPALC 2009 +
Camera ready dueJuly 1, 2009 +
End dateApril 8, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates51° 46' 22", 19° 28' 43"Latitude: 51.772805555556
Longitude: 19.478494444444
Has location cityLodz +
Has location countryCategory:Poland +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateApril 6, 2009 +
Submission deadlineJanuary 31, 2009 +
TitlePractical Applications in Language and Computers +