PSB 2020

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PSB 2020
25th Pacific Symposiumon Biocomputing
Event in series PSB
Dates 2020/01/03 (iCal) - 2020/01/07
Twitter account: @PacSymBiocomp
Location: Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: 2019/08/05
Table of Contents
Tweets by @PacSymBiocomp

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2020 marks the 25th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing(PSB), and this year’s meeting is again full of outstanding new results in cutting edge research areas. Our conference remains vibrant after a quarter century because we depend on the research community to identify emerging areas in biomedical computation. Topics span the full range of biomedicine, from genomics through proteins to clinical care.The PSB communitycontinues to innovate in the application ofAI, machine learning and pattern recognition to critical problems in biology and medicine. Just as importantly, the PSB peer review community insists ona realistic understanding of the capabilities of emerging technologies. It is our duty to continue applying appropriate pressure on ourselves to test the real-world utility of these techniques, figure out how to optimize their use for problems in biology and medicine, and ensure that we contribute to a scholarly literature that realisticallyportrays the power and the limitations of emerging technologies. Our focuson emerging scientific questions and methodologies is a clear strength of the conference, and one that ensures the meeting remains relevant as the technology we have long exploredexpands throughout biomedical research and clinical care.