Pisa is located in Italy
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WoWMoM 2021, REFSQ 2020, IPIN 2019, IWOCA 2019, CPM 2019, IRCDL 2019, IWPT 2017, LinuxDay Pisa 2016, SIGIR 2016, SAC 2016, VaMoS 2013, IRCDL 2011, SPEEDAM 2010, GROW 2010, Valuetools 2009, PS 2009, S-CUBE 2009, CAMAD 2009, ICDM 2008, DDDM 2008, SADM 2008, SSTDM 2008, HPDM 2008, I-USED 2008, MASS 2007, PERCOM 2006, ECML PKDD 2004, ECDL 1997