Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques
Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques | |
Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques
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Bibliographical Metadata | |
Subject: | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources |
Keywords: | SPARQL, Linked Data, distributed query processing. |
Year: | 2006 |
Authors: | Xin Wang, Thanassis Tiropanis, Hugh C. Davis |
Venue | Web and Internet Science |
Content Metadata | |
Problem: | SPARQL Query Federation |
Approach: | Graph theory-based techniques |
Implementation: | GDS |
Evaluation: | Performance and scalability evaluation |
The increasing amount of Linked Data on the Web enables users to retrieve quality and complex information and to deploy innovative, added-value applications. The volume of available Linked Data and their spread across a large number of repositories make a strong case for ecient distributed SPARQL queries. However, in practice, current distributed SPARQL query processing techniques face issues on performance and scalability. In our previous work we provided initial evidence that graph theory-based techniques can address performance issues better than other approaches such as DARQ. Here we further exploit the potential of graph algorithms and we show how they can address performance and scalability for distributed SPARQL queries even better. To that end, we present an improved engine called GDS and we evaluate it by providing a detailed comparison to existing approaches for distributed queries (i.e. DARQ and FedX). By analyzing the evaluation results, we try to identify promising techniques for distributed SPARQL processing, and to outline the problems that need to be addressed in future research.
In this paper we present a novel graph theory-based approach for improved performance and scalability of distributed SPARQL query processing. We propose several key techniques adopted in the distributed SPARQL query engine that we developed (GDS). First, an extended MST algorithm which supports arbitrary SPARQL queries and provides better performance. Second, a simplified cost model using run-time statistics that lows requirement of service descriptions but provides good cost estimations. Third, a combination of semi-join and bind-join along with local cache that reduce network tracffic. We also compare our approach with DARQ and FedX in terms of performance and scalability. The results suggest that graph theory-based approach using lightweight service descriptions can provide better performance and scalability over other approaches Although these results are encouraging, the potential of graph theory-based approach can be developed further. First, GDS applies MST-based algorithm to BGPs rather than the whole query. BGPs are optimized separately even they are from the same query (i.e. UNION and OPTIONAL queries). In the future we aim to work on representing the whole query as a single graph and therefore provide better optimization for queries having multiple BGPs. Second, GDS does not take advantage of FILTER in optimization, which would further improve performance. Third, accurate and detailed service descriptions matters. The more accurate statistics we have, the more optimal query plan we get. Currently collecting quality service descriptions are not feasible on a large scale since most SPARQL endpoints do not provide service descriptions. However, this situation is improving as more and more approaches coming up. For example, SPARQL 1.1 aggregation features enable us to collect service descriptions more efficiently, and VoiD encourages SPARQL endpoints to publish service descriptions as well. Fourth, aggregation features in the upcoming SPARQL 1.1 (e.g. BINDINGS) can also save much efforts of our approach. In addition to these improvements, we are planning to explore the co-reference issue in the Linked Data cloud. From the perspective of distributed SPARQL queries, this issue is getting worse as more data are published , and we plan to address this issue by using our Virtual Graph approach.
Future work
Explore the co-reference issue in the Linked Data cloud. From the perspective of distributed SPARQL queries, this issue is getting worse as more data are published, and we plan to address this issue by using our Virtual Graph approach.
Positive Aspects: {{{PositiveAspects}}}
Negative Aspects: {{{NegativeAspects}}}
Limitations: {{{Limitations}}}
Challenges: {{{Challenges}}}
Proposes Algorithm: {{{ProposesAlgorithm}}}
Methodology: {{{Methodology}}}
Requirements: {{{Requirements}}}
Limitations: {{{Limitations}}}
Download-page: http://code.google.com/p/gdsparal/
Access API: -
Information Representation: RDF
Data Catalogue: Service Description
Runs on OS: OS independent
Vendor: -
Uses Framework: Jena
Has Documentation URL: http://code.google.com/p/gdsparal/
Programming Language: Java
Version: 1.0
Platform: Jena
Toolbox: -
Research Problem
Subproblem of: Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources
RelatedProblem: transparent query federation
Motivation: No data available now.
Experiment Setup: The three engines are run independently on a machine having an Intel Xeon W3520 processor, 12 GB memory and 1Gbps LAN.
Evaluation Method : comparing the three distributed SPARQL engines
Hypothesis: -
Description: We deploy 6 SPARQL endpoints (Sesame 2.4.0) on 5 remote virtual machines. About 400,000 triples (generated by BSBM) are distributed to these endpoints following Gaussian distribution. We follow the metrics presented in (23). For each query, we calculate the number of queries executed per second (QPS) and average results count. For the whole test, we record the overall runtime, CPU usage, memory usage and network overhead. We perform 10 warm up runs and 50 testing runs for each engine. Time out is set to 30 seconds. In each run, only one instance of each engine is used for all queries, but cache is cleared after finishing each query. Warm up runs are not counted in query time related metrics, but included in system and network overhead.
Dimensions: Performance
Benchmark used: FedBench, Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM)
Results: We divide evaluation results of GDS, FedX and DARQ into three categories. First is query performance related metrics. Limited by space, we only provide QPS in this paper7. Second is system loads including CPU usage and memory usage. Third is network overhead including uploading data and downloading data. Here we especially compare GDS with FedX, because DARQ fails providing correct results or is time out on many queries.
Access API | - + |
Event in series | Web and Internet Science + |
Has Benchmark | FedBench + and Berlin SPARQL Benchmark (BSBM) + |
Has Challenges | {{{Challenges}}} + |
Has DataCatalouge | Service Description + |
Has Description | We deploy 6 SPARQL endpoints (Sesame 2.4.0 … We deploy 6 SPARQL endpoints (Sesame 2.4.0) on 5 remote
t included in system
and network overhead. +virtual machines. About 400,000 triples (generated by BSBM) are distributed to these endpoints following Gaussian distribution. We follow the metrics presented in (23). For each query, we calculate the number of queries executed per second (QPS) and average results count. For the whole test, we record the overall runtime, CPU usage, memory usage and network overhead. We perform 10 warm up runs and 50 testing runs for each engine. Time out is set to 30 seconds. In each run, only one instance of each engine is used for all queries, but cache is cleared after finishing each query. Warm up runs are not counted in query time related metrics, but included in system and network overhead. |
Has Dimensions | Performance + |
Has DocumentationURL | http://code.google.com/p/gdsparal/ + |
Has Downloadpage | http://code.google.com/p/gdsparal/ + |
Has Evaluation | Performance and scalability evaluation + |
Has EvaluationMethod | comparing the three distributed SPARQL engines + |
Has ExperimentSetup | The three engines are run independently
on a machine having an Intel Xeon W3520 processor, 12 GB memory and 1Gbps LAN. + |
Has GUI | No + |
Has Hypothesis | - + |
Has Implementation | GDS + |
Has InfoRepresentation | RDF + |
Has Limitations | {{{Limitations}}} + |
Has NegativeAspects | {{{NegativeAspects}}} + |
Has PositiveAspects | {{{PositiveAspects}}} + |
Has Requirements | {{{Requirements}}} + |
Has Results | We divide evaluation results of GDS, FedX … We divide evaluation results of GDS, FedX and DARQ into
ct results or
is time out on many queries. +three categories. First is query performance related metrics. Limited by space, we only provide QPS in this paper7. Second is system loads including CPU usage and memory usage. Third is network overhead including uploading data and downloading data. Here we especially compare GDS with FedX, because DARQ fails providing correct results or is time out on many queries. |
Has Subproblem | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources + |
Has Version | 1.0 + |
Has abstract | The increasing amount of Linked Data on th … The increasing amount of Linked Data on the Web enables users to retrieve quality and complex information and to deploy innovative, added-value applications. The volume of available Linked Data and their spread across a large number of repositories make a strong case for ecient distributed SPARQL queries. However, in practice, current distributed SPARQL query processing techniques face issues on performance and scalability. In our previous work we provided initial evidence that graph theory-based techniques can address performance issues better than other approaches such as DARQ. Here we further exploit the potential of graph algorithms and we show how they can address performance and scalability for distributed SPARQL queries even better. To that end, we present an improved engine called GDS and we evaluate it by providing a detailed comparison to existing approaches for distributed queries (i.e. DARQ and FedX). By analyzing the evaluation results, we try to identify promising techniques for distributed SPARQL processing, and to outline the problems that need to be addressed in future research. t need to be addressed in future research. + |
Has approach | Graph theory-based techniques + |
Has authors | Xin Wang +, Thanassis Tiropanis + and Hugh C. Davis + |
Has conclusion | In this paper we present a novel graph the … In this paper we present a novel graph theory-based approach for improved performance and scalability of distributed SPARQL query processing. We propose several key techniques adopted in the distributed SPARQL query engine that we developed (GDS). First, an extended MST algorithm which supports arbitrary SPARQL queries and provides better performance. Second, a simplified cost model using run-time statistics that lows requirement of service descriptions but provides good cost estimations. Third, a combination of semi-join and bind-join along with local cache that reduce network tracffic. We also compare our approach with DARQ and FedX in terms of performance and scalability. The results suggest that graph theory-based approach using lightweight service descriptions can provide better performance and scalability over other approaches Although these results are encouraging, the potential of graph theory-based approach can be developed further. First, GDS applies MST-based algorithm to BGPs rather than the whole query. BGPs are optimized separately even they are from the same query (i.e. UNION and OPTIONAL queries). In the future we aim to work on representing the whole query as a single graph and therefore provide better optimization for queries having multiple BGPs. Second, GDS does not take advantage of FILTER in optimization, which would further improve performance. Third, accurate and detailed service descriptions matters. The more accurate statistics we have, the more optimal query plan we get. Currently collecting quality service descriptions are not feasible on a large scale since most SPARQL endpoints do not provide service descriptions. However, this situation is improving as more and more approaches coming up. For example, SPARQL 1.1 aggregation features enable us to collect service descriptions more efficiently, and VoiD encourages SPARQL endpoints to publish service descriptions as well. Fourth, aggregation features in the upcoming SPARQL 1.1 (e.g. BINDINGS) can also save much efforts of our approach. In addition to these improvements, we are planning to explore the co-reference issue in the Linked Data cloud. From the perspective of distributed SPARQL queries, this issue is getting worse as more data are published , and we plan to address this issue by using our Virtual Graph approach. issue by using our Virtual Graph approach. + |
Has future work | Explore the co-reference issue in the Linked Data cloud. From the perspective of distributed SPARQL queries, this issue is getting worse as more data are published, and we plan to address this issue by using our Virtual Graph approach. + |
Has keywords | SPARQL, Linked Data, distributed query processing. + |
Has motivation | No data available now. + |
Has platform | Jena + |
Has problem | SPARQL Query Federation + |
Has relatedProblem | Transparent query federation + |
Has subject | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources + |
Has vendor | - + |
Has year | 2006 + |
ImplementedIn ProgLang | Java + |
Proposes Algorithm | {{{ProposesAlgorithm}}} + |
RunsOn OS | OS independent + |
Title | Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques + |
Uses Framework | Jena + |
Uses Methodology | {{{Methodology}}} + |
Uses Toolbox | - + |