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Workshop on Recent Advances in High Mobility Cooperative Communications
Dates 2012/08/07 (iCal) - 2012/08/07
Homepage: physics.scnu.edu.cn/RAHMCC2012/
Location: Kunming, China
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Important dates
Papers: 2012/04/15
Submissions: 2012/04/15
Notification: 2012/06/15
Camera ready due: 2012/07/01
Table of Contents


Workshop on Recent Advances in High Mobility Cooperative Communications - RAHMCC August 2012 Kunming, P.R. China http://physics.scnu.edu.cn/RAHMCC2012/ To be held in conjunction with the 7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom), 2012 http://www.chinacom.org



- The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation (www.eai.eu), a leading community-based organisation devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT - ll accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings, made available in IEEE Xplore, as well as in the ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL). - IEEE Proceedings are submitted for inclusion to EI Engineering Index (Compendex), Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings. See http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplorehelp/Help_Publishing_and_Indexing_Partners.htm for more information about indexing.



In recent years, the demand for high speed wireless data communications has significantly increased and new technologies must be developed to enhance the spectral efficiency of wireless network. One of the most promising approaches is to employ cooperative communications that is normally realized by deploying relays within the wireless transmission. While some fundamental results on relay aided transmission have reached maturity, theories related to high mobility transmission background remains largely unexploited. In high mobility scenarios, there exist a number of communication challenges, i.e. fast handover, location update, channel modeling, estimation and equalization, fast power control, etc. There is also a lack of solid understanding on where theory meets practice. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together Chinese and international researchers and practitioners in High Mobility Cooperative Communications under one roof, building a showcase of these fields in China.


Theories of PHY layer aspects and signal processing related to high mobility cooperative communications are of interest to this call, including but not limited to: - Transmission cooperation strategy - Doubly selective channel modeling - Fast handover issues - Relay positioning - Estimation and equalization - Signal processing for synchronization errors - Performance analysis - Space-time code design - Coordinated beamforming - Relay selection methods - Relay aided resource allocations - Communication with limited feedback and feedback delay - OFDM/MIMO relays - Power control and energy efficient design

[Paper submission]

Paper submission should comply with the policy of ChinaCom 2012. See instruction at http://chinacom.org/show/initial-submission. Paper submission Link http://confy.eai.eu/entry.html


All accepted and presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings, made available in IEEE Xplore, as well as in the ICST's own EU Digital Library (EUDL). IEEE Proceedings are submitted for inclusion to EI Engineering Index (Compendex), Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings. See http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplorehelp/Help_Publishing_and_Indexing_Partners.htm for more information about indexing.

[Important dates]

Submission due: Apr. 15, 2012 Notification date: June 15, 2012 Camera-ready due: July 1, 2012 Registration due: July 1, 2012

[Workshop organising committees]

Workshop Co-Chairs: Feifei Gao, Tsinghua University, China Han Zhang, South China Normal University, China Gongpu Wang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

AcronymRAHMCC +
Camera ready due2012年7月1日 (日) +
End date2012年8月7日 (二) +
Event typeWorkshop +
Has coordinates24° 53' 3", 102° 49' 57"Latitude: 24.884302777778
Longitude: 102.83242222222
Has location cityKunming +
Has location countryCategory:China +
Homepagehttp://physics.scnu.edu.cn/RAHMCC2012/ +
IsAEvent +
Notification2012年6月15日 (五) +
Paper deadline2012年4月15日 (日) +
Start date2012年8月7日 (二) +
Submission deadline2012年4月15日 (日) +
TitleWorkshop on Recent Advances in High Mobility Cooperative Communications +