RE 2017

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RE 2017
25th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
Event in series RE
Dates 2017/09/04 (iCal) - 2017/09/08
Location: Lissabon, Portugal
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Papers: Submitted 189 / Accepted {{{Accepted papers}}}
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General chairs: Ana Moreira, João Araújo
PC chairs: Barbara Paech, Jane Hayes
Table of Contents



25th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, September 4-8, 2017. IEEE Computer Society 2017

RE is the pre-eminent conference for researchers, practitioners, and students to meet and share advances in technology, broadcast innovations, and address challenges of requirements for software and systems that support our society. Our theme, Desperately Seeking Less”: The Role of Simplicity and Complementarity in Requirements, stresses the need for finding balance and minimalism in our requirements as we develop systems for an ever-changing landscape such as internet of things, autonomous computing, virtual realities, embedded systems. Our goal is to state requirements simply, to promote simpler designs and thus simpler systems. We also seek to apply the complementarity principle as we write requirements. Every concept has a complement or opposite: cause/effect, input/output, start/stop, etc. In RE, we study the system and the human. We seek ways to perform RE such that we allocate the tasks that require a human being’s unique abilities to the humans and automate the other system tasks. Here is where the complementarity principle can come into play and drive our work.


General Chair

  • Ana Moreira
  • João Araújo

Program Chair

  • Barbara Paech
  • Jane Hayes

Overall, the conference attracted 205 abstract submissions, with 96 to the Research Track, 30 to the Industry Track, 45 to the RE@Next! Track, 8 to the Data Track, 12 to the Silver Jubilee Track, 10 to the Doctoral Symposium, and 14 to Posters & Demos. These abstracts were followed up by 189 submitted papers.