SEA 2020

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SEA 2020
18th Symposium on Experimental Algorithms
Event in series SEA
Dates 2020/06/16 (iCal) - 2020/06/18
Location: Catania, Italy
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Important dates
Abstracts: 2020/01/24
Submissions: 2020/01/31
Notification: 2020/03/20
Camera ready due: 2020/04/10
Organizers: Domenico Cantone, Simone Faro, Pietro Maugeri, Daniele Francesco Santamaria
PC members: Golnaz Badkobeh, Gianfranco Bilardi, Christina Boucher, Domenico Cantone, Pierluigi Crescenzi
Keynote speaker: Nicola Prezza, Stefan Edelkamp, Martin Aumüller
Table of Contents

Based on the health situation in Italy and around the world, SEA 2020 conference leadership has decided that the most prudent measure is to deliver the conference online to all registered attendees, rather than by a physical meeting.

关于“SEA 2020”的事实
AcronymSEA 2020 +
End date2020年6月18日 (四) +
Event in seriesSEA +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates37° 30' 9", 15° 5' 15"Latitude: 37.502361111111
Longitude: 15.087372222222
Has location cityCatania +
Has location countryCategory:Italy +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start date2020年6月16日 (二) +
Title18th Symposium on Experimental Algorithms +