SoftCOM 2020

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SoftCOM 2020
The 28th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks
Event in series SoftCOM
Dates 2020/09/17 (iCal) - 2020/09/19
Location: Hvar, Croatia
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Important dates
Papers: 2020/05/20
Submissions: 2020/05/20
Notification: 2020/07/01
Camera ready due: 2020/07/20
General chairs: Dinko Begusic, Sinisa Krajnovic
PC chairs: Nikola Rozic, Pascal Lorenz
Table of Contents

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Facts about "SoftCOM 2020"
AcronymSoftCOM 2020 +
Camera ready dueJuly 20, 2020 +
End dateSeptember 19, 2020 +
Event in seriesSoftCOM +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates43° 10' 26", 16° 33' 23"Latitude: 43.173980555556
Longitude: 16.556472222222
Has general chairDinko Begusic + and Sinisa Krajnovic +
Has location cityHvar +
Has location countryCategory:Croatia +
Has program chairNikola Rozic + and Pascal Lorenz +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationJuly 1, 2020 +
Paper deadlineMay 20, 2020 +
Start dateSeptember 17, 2020 +
Submission deadlineMay 20, 2020 +
TitleThe 28th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks +