TAMC 2020

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TAMC 2020
The 16th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation
Event in series TAMC
Dates 2020/10/18 (iCal) - 2020/10/20
Homepage: http://tamc2020.csu.edu.cn/
Submitting link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tamc2020
Location: Changsha, China
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Important dates
Papers: 2019/12/15
Submissions: 2019/12/15
Notification: 2020/01/31
Camera ready due: 2020/02/15
General chairs: Jianxin Wang
PC chairs: Jianer Chen, Qilong Feng, Jinhui Xu
PC members: Anthony Bonato, Yixin Cao, Jianer Chen, Hu Ding, Thomas Erlebach
Keynote speaker: Gregory Gutin, Xianfeng David Gu
Table of Contents




   *     AI modeling
   *     algebraic computation
   *     algorithmic coding and number theory
   *     algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics
   *     algorithms and data structures
   *     approximation algorithms
   *     automata theory
   *     computational biology and biological computing
   *     computational complexity
   *     computational game theory
   *     computational geometry
   *     computer science logic
   *     continuous and real computation
   *     cryptography
   *     domain models
   *     dynamical algorithms
   *     foundations of artificial intelligence
   *     game theory
   *     information theoretical foundation for artificial intelligence
   *     learning theory, and intelligent computing
   *     model theory for computing
   *     network theory and communication networks
   *     online algorithms
   *     optimization
   *     parameterized algorithms
   *     privacy and security
   *     process models
   *     programming and verification
   *     property testing
   *     quantum computing
   *     randomized algorithms
   *     randomness and pseudo-randomness
   *     streaming algorithms
   *     structural information theory
   *     systems theory
   *     Turing definability
   *     VLSI models of computation