TPDL 2019

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TPDL 2019
23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
Event in series TPDL
Dates 2019/09/09 (iCal) - 2019/09/12
Location: Oslo, Norway
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Important dates
Submissions: 2019/04/26
Notification: 2019/06/03
Camera ready due: 2019/06/22
Accepted short papers: 12
Papers: Submitted 75 / Accepted 16 (21.3 %)
General chairs: Trond Aalberg, Adam Jatowt
PC chairs: Koraljka Golub, Antoine doucet, Antoine Isaac
Table of Contents




The general theme of TPDL 2019 is “Connecting with Communities”:

Digital libraries and repositories store, manage, represent and disseminate rich and heterogenous data that are often of enormous cultural, scientific, educational, artistic, and social value. Serving as digital ecosystems for empowering researchers and practitioners they provide unparalleled opportunities for novel knowledge extraction and discovery. TPDL 2019 attempts to facilitate establishing connections and convergences between diverse research communities such as Digital Humanities, Information Sciences and others that could benefit from (and contribute to) ecosystems offered by digital libraries and repositories. To become especially useful to the diverse research and practitioner communities digital libraries need to consider special needs and requirements for effective data utilization, management and exploitation.

Facts about "TPDL 2019"
Acceptance rate21.3 +
Accepted papers16 +
Accepted short papers12 +
AcronymTPDL 2019 +
Camera ready dueJune 22, 2019 +
End dateSeptember 12, 2019 +
Event in seriesTPDL +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates59° 54' 48", 10° 44' 20"Latitude: 59.913330555556
Longitude: 10.738969444444
Has general chairTrond Aalberg + and Adam Jatowt +
Has location cityOslo +
Has location countryCategory:Norway +
Has program chairKoraljka Golub +, Antoine doucet + and Antoine Isaac +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationJune 3, 2019 +
Start dateSeptember 9, 2019 +
Submission deadlineApril 26, 2019 +
Submitted papers75 +
Title23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries +