{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Property !! Usage !! Used for !! [[Property:ConfIDent property name|name]]!! [[Property:Priority_Milestone]]
{{#ask: [[IsA::Property]]
|mainlabel=# -
Property:Abstract deadline |
814 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Accepted papers |
2446 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Acronym |
10678 |
Event, Event series |
acronym |
iteration 1
Property:Attendance fee currency |
325 |
iteration 2
Property:Attendance fee reduced |
9 |
iteration 2
Property:Camera ready due |
1373 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Cfp |
0 |
Event, Event series |
Property:DBLP-venue-ID |
1 |
Event, Event series |
dblp id |
iteration 1
Property:DID |
0 |
Event, Event series |
iteration 2
Property:DOI landing page |
0 |
Event, Event series |
iteration 2
Property:DblpSeries |
17 |
Property:Demo deadline |
92 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Early bird regular |
227 |
iteration 2
Property:Early bird student |
193 |
iteration 2
Property:End date |
10676 |
Event, Project |
end date |
iteration 1
Property:Event in series |
5057 |
Event |
in event series |
iteration 1
Property:Event status |
0 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Event type |
11163 |
Event |
event type |
iteration 1
Property:Event type other |
0 |
Event |
iteration 1
Property:EventSeries acronym |
1057 |
Event series |
Property:Extension name |
5 |
Property:Extension purpose |
5 |
Property:Extension since |
5 |
Property:Extension url |
5 |
Property:Extension wiki |
5 |
Property:Fixme done |
0 |
Property:Fixme todo |
7 |
Property:GND-ID |
0 |
Event, Event series |
gnd id |
iteration 1
Property:Has Average 5y Acceptance Rate |
349 |
iteration 2
Property:Has Average Acceptance Rate |
396 |
iteration 2
Property:Has CORE Rank |
607 |
iteration 2
Property:Has Keynote speaker |
1393 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Has OC member |
2818 |
iteration 2
Property:Has PC chair |
12 |
iteration 2
Property:Has PC member |
2555 |
iteration 2
Property:Has Submitting link |
2417 |
iteration 2
Property:Has coordinates |
10440 |
iteration 2
Property:Has coordinator |
644 |
Event, Event series |
organizer |
iteration 2
Property:Has demo chair |
227 |
iteration 2
Property:Has general chair |
1926 |
iteration 2
Property:Has local chair |
108 |
iteration 2
Property:Has location city |
10829 |
Event |
city |
iteration 1
Property:Has location country |
10650 |
Event |
country |
iteration 1
Property:Has location state |
4168 |
Event |
region |
iteration 1
Property:Has person |
2998 |
iteration 2
Property:Has program chair |
2378 |
iteration 2
Property:Has publication chair |
4 |
iteration 2
Property:Has publicity chair |
8 |
iteration 2
Property:Has sub event |
2 |
iteration 2
Property:Has subject |
24 |
Event, Event series |
subject |
iteration 1
Property:Has tutorial chair |
327 |
iteration 2
Property:Has twitter |
427 |
iteration 2
Property:Has workshop chair |
596 |
iteration 2
Property:Homepage |
10643 |
Event, Event series |
official website |
iteration 1
Property:IsA |
12574 |
List of Properties |
0 |
Property:Logo |
259 |
iteration 2
Property:Notification |
2533 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:On site regular |
304 |
iteration 2
Property:On site student |
203 |
iteration 2
Property:Ordinal |
578 |
Event |
ordinal |
iteration 1
Property:PageSequence category |
26 |
Property:PageSequence categoryIcon |
26 |
Property:PageSequence next |
24 |
Property:PageSequence prev |
24 |
Property:Paper deadline |
744 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Poster deadline |
91 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Priority Milestone |
80 |
Property:Property allowedValues |
3 |
Property:Property defaultValue |
0 |
Property:Property documentation |
54 |
Property:Property index |
40 |
Property:Property inputType |
16 |
Property:Property isLink |
42 |
Property:Property label |
62 |
Property:Property mandatory |
57 |
Property:Property name |
62 |
Property:Property namespace |
0 |
Property:Property nullable |
0 |
Property:Property primaryKey |
19 |
Property:Property showInGrid |
19 |
Property:Property size |
13 |
Property:Property sortPos |
1 |
Property:Property topic |
61 |
Property:Property type |
61 |
Property:Property uploadable |
35 |
Property:Property values from |
0 |
Property:Registration link |
2154 |
iteration 2
Property:Sponsor |
0 |
Event, Event series |
Sponsor |
iteration 1
Property:Start date |
10752 |
Project, Event |
start date |
iteration 1
Property:Subevent of |
387 |
iteration 2
Property:Submission deadline |
7796 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Submitted papers |
2463 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Ticket |
3 |
Property:Title |
11562 |
Event, Event series |
official name |
iteration 1
Property:Tutorial deadline |
94 |
Event |
iteration 2
Property:Wiki backup |
0 |
Property:Wiki id |
5 |
Property:Wiki language |
5 |
Property:Wiki owner |
5 |
Property:Wiki project |
3 |
Property:Wiki purpose |
5 |
Property:Wiki safes |
0 |
Property:Wiki scriptPath |
1 |
Property:Wiki server |
5 |
Property:Wiki since |
5 |
Property:Wiki siteurl |
5 |
Property:Wiki until |
0 |
Property:WikiCFP-ID |
0 |
Event, Event series |
wikicfp id |
iteration 1
Property:Wikidataid |
14 |
Event, Event series |
wikidata id |
iteration 1
Property:Workshop deadline |
159 |
Event |
iteration 2