VL/HCC 2019

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VL/HCC 2019
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
Event in series VL/HCC
Dates 2019/10/14 (iCal) - 2019/10/18
Homepage: https://human-se.github.io/vlhcc2019/
Twitter account: ‎@vlhcc
Location: Memphis, USA
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Important dates
Workshops: 2019/03/29
Tutorials: 2019/03/29
Papers: 2019/05/06
Notification: 2019/05/31
Accepted short papers: 16
Papers: Submitted 59 / Accepted 36 (61 %)
General chairs: Scott Fleming
PC chairs: Chris Bogart, Judith Good
Workshop chairs: Craig Anslow, Scott Fleming
Seminars Chair: Craig Anslow, Scott Fleming
PC members: Robin Abraham, Craig Anslow, Iman Avazpour, Alan Blackwell, Paolo Bottoni, Peter Chapman
Keynote speaker: Yasmin B. Kafai, Andreas Stefik
Table of Contents
Tweets by ‎@vlhcc