Vienna is located in Austria
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ECCS 2025, ICCTA 2025, ICCTA 2024, ECCS 2024, ICCH 2023, ICLL 2023, ECCS 2023, ICCTA 2023, ECCS 2022, ICCTA 2022, CANS 2021, ICCTA 2021, CANS 2020, ER 2020, BIR 2020, DAFX 2020, ISPSD 2020, CONCUR 2020, ICML 2020, SSDBM 2020, SEMANTiCS 2018, PATAT 2018, ICDCS 2018, DAS 2018, EDBT 2018, CGO 2018, HPCA 2018, MACIS 2017 : 7th International Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences, GameSec 2017, Voila 2017, SemStats 2017, WSP 2017, NLIWoD 2017, PrivOn 2017, BLINK 2017, ISWC 2017, WOP 2017, DeSemWeb 2017, SemSci 2017, IPEC 2017, MobileHCI 2017, SnT2017, AIME 2017, ARCS 2017 2017, HRI 2017, CSITA 2016, CONFENIS 2016, DeepSec 2016, CCS 2016, EuroCrypt 2016... further results
Organizations and Institutions
IAOE - International Association of Online Engineering, Società - Forum for Ethics, Art and Law