WISS 2009

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WISS 2009
First IEEE Workshop on Information and Software as Services
Subevent of ICDE 2009
Dates 2009/03/29 (iCal) - 2009/03/29
Homepage: www.sap.com/china/company/sapresearch/en/wiss09/index.htm
Location: Shanghai, China
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Important dates
Abstracts: 2008/10/24
Submissions: 2008/10/31
Notification: 2008/12/15
Camera ready due: 2009/01/09
Table of Contents

First IEEE Workshop on Information & Software as Services (WISS'09)

(Collocated with 2008 IEEE International
Conference on Data Engineering in Shanghai, China)

Date: March 29, 2009 (Sunday) 

Workshop co-chairs:
+	Wen-Syan Li (SAP Research China) wen-syan.li@sap.com
+	K. Selcuk Candan (Arizona State University) candan@asu.edu


Workshop Theme and Topics of Interest

The first workshop on "Information and Software as Services" (WISS),
co-located with ICDE 2009 conference, focuses on the challenges
associated with the design, deployment, and management of information
and software as a service.

The high cost of creating and maintaining software and hardware
infrastructures for delivering services to businesses has led to a
notable trend toward the use of third-party service providers, which
rent out network presence, computation power, and data storage space
to clients with infrastructural needs. These third party service
providers can act as data stores as well as entire software suites for
improved availability and system scalability, reducing small & medium
businesses' burden of managing complex infrastructures. This is called
information/application outsourcing or software as a service
(SaaS). Emergence of enabling technologies, such as J2EE, .Net, XML,
virtual machines, and web services contribute to this
trend. Scientific Grid computing, on-line software services and
business service networks are typical examples exploiting database and
software as service paradigm.

While the financial incentives for the database and software as
service deployments are obvious, convincing potential customers that
outsourcing their data is a viable alternative to deploying complex
infrastructures require research and technological advances in

+	Business model, pricing, regulation
+	Legal aspects of SaaS
+	Security and information assurance
+	SLA, QoS, and differential services
+	Service class guarantees
+	Service delivery and tracking
+	Database support for SaaS and multi-tenant databases
+	Dynamic service composition
+	Workflow modeling
+	Service deployment and provisioning
+	New architectural designs and middleware support
+	Caching and replication
+	Cloud computing as a service

We also solicit papers describing real world applications and case


The workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE and included in the
IEEE digital library. In addition, the authors of the selected papers
will be invited to contribute with extended versions of their papers
to a book published by Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Business
Information Processing (LNBIP) series.

Submission Guidelines and Important Dates

All submitted papers will be refereed for quality and originality by
the Program Committee. The acceptance/rejection of the papers will be
based on these review results. Manuscripts should be in English and
must not exceed 8 pages in IEEE format (templates available at
http://i.cs.hku.hk/icde2009/aik.htm). Submissions should include the
title, author(s), authors' affiliations, e-mail addresses, tel/fax
numbers, postal address, and an abstract on the first page. An
electronic version (PDF format) of the full paper should be submitted
by October 31, 2008 9pm PT. via

+	Abstract due: October 24, 2008 9PM PT
+	Paper due: October 31, 2008 9PM PT.
+	Notification of acceptance: December 15, 2008
+	Camera ready version due: January 9, 2009 
+	Workshop date: March 29, 2009

Workshop format:

In addition to technical paper presentations, the workshop will
feature a keynote speech and an invited talk session with
three case studies followed by a brief panel discussion on these real
world scenarios.

+ Keynote:	
	Dr. Divyakant Agrawal (UC Santa Barbara):
	Title: "Database Management as a Software Service:
	Opportunities and Challenges"

	Abstract: Database Management Systems form the core of the information
	technology infrastructure of most modern enterprises. The talk
	will outline some of the key research and technical
	impediments before database management functionality can be
	offered as a "software as a service" by third-party service
	providers. The talk will also review current research efforts
	in the area of data outsourcing as well as some of the
	emerging solutions in the commercial arena.

	Biography: Dr. Divyakant Agrawal is a Professor of Computer
	Science at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
	From January 2006 through December 2007, Dr. Agrawal served as
	VP of Data Solutions and Advertising Systems at the Internet
	Search Company ASK.com. While at ASK.com, Dr. Agrawal was the
	Chief Architect for building the next-generation Business
	Intelligence and Data Warehousing system at ASK.com.

Invited talks/panels on case studies:
+	IBM China Research Laboratory: 
	    "WDS (Web Delivered Service) Support Platform"
+	Intel China Software Center: 
	    "Design Patterns for Web-Scale System: Experience of 
	     Building Scalable Education Service Platform"
+	SAP Labs China: 
	    "SAP Business ByDesign" 

Workshop co-chairs:
+	Wen-Syan Li (SAP Research China) wen-syan.li@sap.com
+	K. Selcuk Candan (Arizona State University) candan@asu.edu

Local organizer: 
+	Jianfeng Yan (SAP Research China) jianfeng.yan@sap.com

PC members:
+	Gustavo Alonso (ETH, Zurich)
+	Elisa Bertino (Purdue University, USA) 
+	Bin Cui (Peking University, China) 
+	Takeshi Fukuda (IBM Yamato Software Laboratory, Japan) 
+	Yoshinori Hara (Kyoto Univ., Grad. School of Management, Japan) 
+	Howard Ho (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)  
+	Masaru Kitsuregawa  (University of Tokyo, Japan)  
+	Ling Liu (Georgia Tech, USA)    
+	Qiong Luo (HKUST, China)
+	Mukesh Mohania  (IBM India Research Laboratory, India)   
+	Tamer Ozsu (University of Waterloo, Canada) 
+	Lu?s Rodrigues (University of Lisbon, Portugal) 
+	Katsumi Tanaka (Kyoto University, Japan)     
+	Wei-Tek Tsai (Arizona State University, USA)  
+	Aoying Zhou (East China Normal University, China) 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "WISS 2009"
Abstract deadlineOctober 24, 2008 +
AcronymWISS 2009 +
Camera ready dueJanuary 9, 2009 +
End dateMarch 29, 2009 +
Event typeWorkshop +
Has location cityShanghai +
Has location countryCategory:China +
Homepagehttp://www.sap.com/china/company/sapresearch/en/wiss09/index.htm +
IsAEvent +
NotificationDecember 15, 2008 +
Start dateMarch 29, 2009 +
Subevent ofICDE 2009 +
Submission deadlineOctober 31, 2008 +
TitleFirst IEEE Workshop on Information and Software as Services +