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ICITM 2025, AEIS 2024, ICEDS 2024, EAET 2024, ICIM 2024, ICITM 2023, HRI 2020, APPROX 2019, ACII 2019, ICNP 2018, CCISA 2018 : 6th CLOUD COMPUTING ON INFRASTRUCTURE AS A SERVICE AND ITS APPLICATIONS (CCISA), HPCMS 2018 : Fifth Special Session on High Performance Computing in Modelling and Simulation (HPCMS), ITCS 2018, WCICSS 2017, WorldCIS 2017, WCST 2017, RSS 2017, L@S 2017, NextGenCIT 2017, SWM 2017, WSDM 2017, WSDM Cup 2017, ITW 2016, VL/HCC 2016, Sport and Society 2012, EuroCrypt 2012, NCA 2011, WICSA/ECSA 2009, MPSVA 2009, IASTED - PDCS 2009, DRD 09, FSR 2009, MemoCODE 2009, MEMOCODE 2009, ISPRA 2009, NDCS 2008, ISMAR 2008, NCA 2008, ISIE 2008, CG 2008, DFT 2008, BASEES 2008, Continuity and Change in Grammar 2008, CCG 2008, MPA 2008, ICS 2005, DIS 2004, FOCS 2003, KR 1996, KR 1992... further results