MPSVA 2009

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MPSVA 2009
7th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis
Dates Sep 8, 2009 (iCal) - Sep 10, 2009
Homepage: Institute Conferences/MPSVA/event 22586.html
Location: Cambridge, England, UK
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Important dates
Abstracts: Sep 15, 2008
Submissions: Dec 15, 2008
Table of Contents

The Conference is the seventh in an international series organised by the Stress and Vibration Group of the UK�??s Institute of Physics. Starting in Liverpool in 1992 and held every three years, the series is well-established for the presentation of research findings in stress analysis and vibration dynamics. The 2009 Conference will cover all aspects of stress and vibration analysis, with the intention of providing directed focus on the state-of-the-art in theoretical and experimental methodology. The aim of the conference is to bring together physicists, mathematicians, materials scientists and engineers from academia and industry, and to provide a platform for the presentation of creative and novel research findings. The associated discussion will facilitate interchange of ideas and provide guidance for future research direction.

The scope of the Conference is broad and covers the full range of fundamental, experimental and applied research in stress and vibration analysis. The following topical areas are proposed:

    * Composite materials
    * Computational techniques
    * Contact mechanics
    * Fatigue and fracture mechanics, damage assessment
    * Full/Multi field techniques
    * Impact behaviour of materials and structures
    * Industrial perspectives �?? structural, machine systems,rotating systems
    * Inverse problems, control of dynamic systems
    * Modal analysis
    * Modelling of dynamic systems
    * Multi-physics approaches
    * Non-linear and parametric vibrations
    * Optical strain analysis techniques
    * Plasticity
    * Small scale experimentation
    * Signal processing analysis, identification techniques
    * Systems involving multiple-scales, full-scale and scalemodel testing
    * Stress and vibration in biomechanics
    * Thermoelasticity
    * Time-dependent behaviour of materials
    * Tribological phenomena, friction analysis
    * Vibration-based structural testing techniques
    * Vibro-impact, vibro-acoustics


Key Dates
Expressions of interest	From 1 January 2008
Abstract deadline	15 September 2008
Paper submission deadline	15 December 2008

Organising Committee
Professor JM Barton, University of Southampton, UK (Conference Chair)
Professor KM Holford, Cardiff University, UK
Dr PS Keogh, University of Bath, UK
Professor AW Lees, Swansea University, UK
Dr S Quinn, University of Southampton, UK
Professor V Silberschmidt, Loughborough University, UK
Dr CE Truman, University of Bristol, UK

International Scientific Committee
To be announced.

Claire Garland
The Institute of Physics
76 Portland Place
United Kingdom

Direct Tel: +44 (0)20 7470 4840
Switchboard: +44 (0)20 7470 4800
Fax: +44 (0)20 7470 4900

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

关于“MPSVA 2009”的事实
Abstract deadline2008年9月15日 (一) +
AcronymMPSVA 2009 +
End date2009年9月10日 (四) +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates52° 12' 13", 0° 7' 25"Latitude: 52.203483333333
Longitude: 0.12358055555556
Has location cityCambridge +
Has location countryCategory:UK +
Has location stateEngland +
Homepage Institute Conferences/MPSVA/event 22586.html +
IsAEvent +
Start date2009年9月8日 (二) +
Submission deadline2008年12月15日 (一) +
Title7th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis +