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ICUAS 2017, RACS 2011, REPC 2010, WAMICON 2010, MMIS 2009, ION MAS 2009, ESEM 2009, OMN 2009, CQR 2009, IEMDC 2009, RFID 2009, WAMICO 2009, CATA 2009, IUI 2009, IWDDC 2009, SPE 2009, DSP 2009, WSC 2008, CollarborateCom 2008, CollaborateCom 2008, TrustCol 2008, Holm 2008, NPSec 2008, AIPR 2008, EISWT 2008, EISTA 2008, SBC 2008, ISORC 2008, GLSVLSI 2008, HiCOMB 2008, DSS 2008, GDCSE 2008, ISAIM 2008, ANCS 2007, GROUP 2007, SIGITE 2007, K-CAP 2003