ISORC 2008

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ISORC 2008
11th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing
Dates May 5, 2008 (iCal) - May 7, 2008
Location: Orlando, FL, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: Nov 30, 2007
Notification: Jan 10, 2008
Table of Contents

Important Dates:     

Paper Submissions:                  30 November 2007
Acceptance Notification:       10 January 2008
Camera-Ready Papers:              1 February 2008


This is the eleventh IEEE Computer Society symposium dealing with the rapidly expanding field of object/component/service-oriented real-time distributed computing (ORC) technology. The principal theme of ISORC is the use of the object-oriented computing paradigm - which has prevailed in many non-real-time applications in the past decade - in a wide variety of real-time applications. In the ISORC series, this paradigm emphasizes its spirit of openness where diverse views and new approaches to challenging issues can be freely discussed.

Papers pertaining to all aspects of ORC are sought, including but not limited to the following:

Programming and system engineering: ORC paradigms, object/component models, languages, RT Corba, Embedded .NET, RT RMI, RT Java, UML, model-driven development of high integrity applications, specification, design, verification, validation, testing, maintenance, system of systems, etc.

Distributed computing and communication infrastructures:

Internet QoS (quality of service), real-time communication, networked computing platforms, protocols, peer-to-peer computing, sensor networks, inter-operability, security, trusted and dependable systems, fault tolerance, virtual subnets for ORC.

System software: real-time kernels and operating systems, middleware support for ORC, QoS management, extensibility, synchronization, resource allocation, scheduling, fault tolerance, security.

Applications: embedded systems (automotive, avionics, consumer electronics, building systems, sensors, etc), multimedia processing, RT Web-based applications and use of XML, real-time object-oriented simulations.

System evaluation: output accuracy, timeliness, worst-case execution time, dependability, end-to-end QoS, overhead, fault detection and recovery time.

Papers dealing with other issues that are related to the specification, design, implementation, and evaluation of ORC systems are also welcome. To promote dialogues between researchers and users of ORC, contributions from industry are particularly welcome.


Following the tradition of ISORC, the conference program will consist of sessions of different formats:

    * presentations of regular and short papers, 
    * panel discussions, and
    * special sessions devoted to reporting industrial advances

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Facts about "ISORC 2008"
AcronymISORC 2008 +
End dateMay 7, 2008 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates28° 32' 32", -81° 22' 45"Latitude: 28.542111111111
Longitude: -81.379030555556
Has location cityOrlando +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateFL +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationJanuary 10, 2008 +
Start dateMay 5, 2008 +
Submission deadlineNovember 30, 2007 +
Title11th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing +