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WSC 2020, CCS 2020, SPIRE 2020, AMTA 2020, IEEE RFID 2020, Agile 2020, CoNEXT 2019, SecureComm 2019, HCII 2019, IPCCC 2018, IPDPS 2017, IPDPS-Test, HPCA 2014, ACMMM 2014, REPC 2010, OOPSLA 2009, WIKISYM 2009, ISMAR 2009, FOGA 2009, MULTICONF- 2009, EISTA 2009, EISTA2009, AG 2009, JNC 2009, RFID 2009, SPIE Biometrics 2009, PDCS 2008, CollaborateCom 2008, CollarborateCom 2008, TrustCol 2008, IECON 2008, RuleML 2008, Holm 2008, NPSec 2008, BCBGC 2008, SETP 2008, TMFCS 2008, EISWT 2008, ARCS 2008, WMSCI 2008, EISTA 2008, ISORC 2008, GLSVLSI 2008, DSS 2008, VC-IAN 2008, RWS 2008, ADP 2007, PERCOM 2004, ICSE 2002, HPCA 1999... further results