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Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009
Dates May 10, 2009 (iCal) - May 12, 2009
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
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Important dates
Submissions: Oct 30, 2008
Notification: Feb 5, 2009
Camera ready due: Mar 3, 2009
Table of Contents

The 19th edition of GLSVLSI will be held in Boston, Massachusetts. Original, unpublished papers, describing research in the general area of VLSI are solicited. Both theoretical and experimental research results are welcome. Proceedings will be published electronically and will be accessed by ACM Digital library.

Program Tracks

  • VLSI Design: design of ASICs, microprocessors/micro-architectures, embedded processors, analog/digital/mixed-signal systems, NoC, interconnects, memories, and FPGAs.
  • VLSI Circuits: analog/digital/mixed-signal circuits, RF and communication circuits, chaos/neural/fuzzy-logic circuits, high-speed/low-power circuits.
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD): hardware/software co-design, logic and behavioral synthesis, logic mapping, simulation and formal verification, layout (partitioning, placement, routing, floorplanning, compaction), algorithms and complexity analysis.
  • Low Power and Power Aware Design: circuits, micro-architectural techniques, thermal estimation and optimization, power estimation methodologies, and CAD tools.
  • Testing, Reliability, Fault-Tolerance: digital/analog/mixed-signal testing, design for testability and reliability, online testing techniques, static and dynamic defect- and fault-recoverability, and variation-aware design.
  • Emerging Technologies: nanotechnology, molecular electronics, quantum devices, biologically-inspired computing, CNT, SET, RTD, QCA, VLSI aspects of sensor and sensor network, and CAD tools for emerging technology devices and circuits.
  • Post-CMOS VLSI: evolutionary computing, optical computing, quantum computing, reversible logic, spin-based computing, biological computation, nanotechnology, molecular electronics, quantum devices, biologically-inspired computing. Emphasis should be on the analysis, novel circuits and architectures, modeling, CAD tools, and design methodologies.


  • Paper Submission Deadline: November 30th, 2008.
  • Special Session Proposals Deadline: December 20th, 2008.
  • GLSVLSI 2009 Submission Site:
  • OPENING SOON Acceptance Notification: February 5th, 2009.
  • Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 3rd, 2009.

Paper Submission: Authors are invited to submit full-length (6 pages maximum), original, unpublished papers along with an abstract of at most 200 words. To enable blind review, the author list should be omitted from the main document. Previously published papers or papers currently under review for other conferences/journals should not be submitted and will not be considered. Electronic submission in PDF format to the website is required. Author and contact information (name, street/mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail) must be entered during the submission process.

Paper Publication and Presenter Registration: Papers will be accepted for regular or poster presentation at the symposium. Every accepted paper MUST have at least one author registered to the symposium by the time the camera-ready paper is submitted; the author is also expected to attend the symposium and present the paper.

Paper Format: Submissions should be in camera-ready two-column format, following the ACM proceedings specifications located at: and the classification system detailed at:

Facts about "GLSVLSI 2009"
AcronymGLSVLSI 2009 +
Camera ready dueMarch 3, 2009 +
End dateMay 12, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates42° 21' 20", -71° 3' 38"Latitude: 42.355433333333
Longitude: -71.060511111111
Has location cityBoston +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateMassachusetts +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationFebruary 5, 2009 +
Start dateMay 10, 2009 +
Submission deadlineOctober 30, 2008 +
TitleGreat Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2009 +