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SOUPS 2020, ISPASS 2020, PAST 2019, APPROX 2019, MMSys 2019, DESRIST 2019, RFIC 2019, IMS 2019, RadarConf 2019, NSDI 2019, OOPSLA 2018, SPLASH 2018, IMC 2018, ITCS 2018, IEEE BigData 2017, RSS 2017, L@S 2017, NSDI 2017, PAST 2016, ACC 2016, CVPR 2015, PAST 2013, ISSAC 2013, NCA 2011, PAST 2010, MILCOM 2009, FSR 2009, MemoCODE 2009, ICMI 2009, ICCNS 2009, GLSVLSI 2009, IGARSS 2008, CBSE 2007, AAAI 2006, IEEE Cluster 2005, ICS 2005, CAV 2004, PODC 2003, OSDI 2002, LICS 2001, MobiHoc 2000, MobiCom 2000, POPL 2000, PAST 1996, KR 1996, ACMMM 1996, INFOCOM 1995, KR 1992, KR 1991, AAAI 1990... further results