Property:Has approach

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This is a property of type Text.

Pages using the property "Has approach"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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A Probabilistic-Logical Framework for Ontology Matching +Probabilistic-logical framework for ontology matching based on Markov logiP  +
A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web +Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources  +
A Survey of Current Link Discovery Frameworks +No data available now.  +
ANAPSID: An Adaptive Query Processing Engine for SPARQL Endpoints +Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources,  +
Accessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies +No data available now.  +
Adaptive Integration of Distributed Semantic Web Data +Distributed Query Processing  +
AgreementMaker: Efficient Matching for Large Real-World Schemas and Ontologies +No data available now.  +
Analysing Scholarly Communication Metadata of Computer Science Events +No data available now.  +
Avalanche: Putting the Spirit of the Web back into Semantic Web Querying +No data available now.  +
Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey +Literature review  +
Cross: an OWL wrapper for teasoning on relational databases +No data available now.  +
D2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs +No data available now.  +
DataMaster – a Plug-in for Importing Schemas and Data from Relational Databases into Protégé +No data available now.  +
Discovering and Maintaining Links on the Web of Data +No data available now.  +
FedX: Optimization Techniques for Federated Query Processing on Linked Data +Join processing and optimization approaches  +
From Relational Data to RDFS Models +integration of relational-like information resources with RDFS-aware systems  +
Integration of Scholarly Communication Metadata using Knowledge Graphs +No data available now.  +
KnoFuss: A Comprehensive Architecture for Knowledge Fusion +problem-solving methods  +
LIMES - A Time-Efficient Approach for Large-Scale Link Discovery on the Web of Data +Mathematical characteristics of metric spaces  +
LogMap: Logic-based and Scalable Ontology Matching +No data available now.  +
Optimizing SPARQL Queries over Disparate RDF Data Sources through Distributed Semi-joins +No data available now.  +
Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources with SPARQL +decompose a query into sub-queries, each of which can be answered by an individual service.  +
Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques +Graph theory-based techniques  +
Querying the Web of Interlinked Datasets using VOID Descriptions +analyzing query structure with respect to the metadata of datasets  +
RDB2ONT: A Tool for Generating OWL Ontologies From Relational Database Systems +No data available now.  +
Facts about "Has approach"
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Text +