A Probabilistic-Logical Framework for Ontology Matching | Mathias Niepert Christian Meilicke Heiner Stuckenschmidt | Ontology Matching | 2010 | AAAI |
A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web | Andreas Langegger Wolfram Wöß Martin Blochl | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2008 | ESWC |
A Survey of Current Link Discovery Frameworks | Markus Nentwig Michael Hartung Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo Erhard Rahm | Link Discovery | 2017 | Semantic Web Journal |
ANAPSID: An Adaptive Query Processing Engine for SPARQL Endpoints | Maribel Acosta Maria-Esther Vidal Tomas Lampo Julio Castillo | Adaptive Query Processing | 2011 | ISWC |
Accessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies | Carlo Curino Giorgio Orsi Emanuele Panigati Letizia Tanca | | 2009 | FQAS |
Adaptive Integration of Distributed Semantic Web Data | Steven Lynden Isao Kojima Akiyoshi Matono Yusuke Tanimura | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2010 | DNIS |
AgreementMaker: Efficient Matching for Large Real-World Schemas and Ontologies | Isabel F. Cruz Flavio Palandri Antonelli Cosmin Stroe | Ontology Alignment | 2009 | VLDB |
Analysing Scholarly Communication Metadata of Computer Science Events | Said Fathalla Sahar Vahdati Christoph Lange Sören Auer | | 2017 | TPDL |
Avalanche: Putting the Spirit of the Web back into Semantic Web Querying | Cosmin Basca Abraham Bernstein | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2010 | ISWC |
Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey | Dimitrios-Emmanuel Spanos Periklis Stavrou Nikolas Mitrou | | 2012 | Semantic Web Journal |
Cross: an OWL wrapper for teasoning on relational databases | Pierre-Antoine Champin Geert-Jan Houben Philippe Thiran | | 2007 | ER |
D2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs | Christian Bizer Andy Seaborne | | 2004 | ISWC |
DataMaster – a Plug-in for Importing Schemas and Data from Relational Databases into Protégé | Csongor Nyulas Martin O’Connor Samson Tu | | 2007 | IPC |
Discovering and Maintaining Links on the Web of Data | Julius Volz Christian Bizer Martin Gaedke Georgi Kobilarov | Link Discovery | 2009 | ISWC |
FedX: Optimization Techniques for Federated Query Processing on Linked Data | Andreas Schwarte Peter Haase Katja Hose Ralf Schenkel Michael Schmidt | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2011 | ISWC |
From Relational Data to RDFS Models | Maksym Korotkiy Jan L. Top | | 2004 | ICWE |
Integration of Scholarly Communication Metadata using Knowledge Graphs | Afshin Sadeghi Christoph Lange Maria-Esther Vidal Sören Auer | | 2017 | TPDL |
KnoFuss: A Comprehensive Architecture for Knowledge Fusion | Andriy Nikolov Victoria Uren Enrico Motta | Link Discovery | 2007 | K-CAP |
LIMES - A Time-Efficient Approach for Large-Scale Link Discovery on the Web of Data | Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo Sören Auer | Link Discovery | 2011 | |
LogMap: Logic-based and Scalable Ontology Matching | Bernardo Cuenca Grau Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz | Ontology Matching | 2011 | ISWC |
Optimizing SPARQL Queries over Disparate RDF Data Sources through Distributed Semi-joins | Jan Zemánek Simon Schenk Vojtěch Svátek Abraham Bernstein | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2008 | ISWC |
Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources with SPARQL | Bastian Quilitz Ulf Leser | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2008 | ESWC |
Querying over Federated SPARQL Endpoints : A State of the Art Survey | Nur Aini Rakhmawati J. Umbrich Marcel Karnstedt Ali Hasnain Michael Hausenblas | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2013 | ArXiv |
Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques | Xin Wang Thanassis Tiropanis Hugh C. Davis | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2006 | Web and Internet Science |
Querying the Web of Interlinked Datasets using VOID Descriptions | Ziya Akar Tayfun Gökmen Halaç Erdem Eser Ekinci Oguz Dikenelli | | 2012 | LDOW |
RDB2ONT: A Tool for Generating OWL Ontologies From Relational Database Systems | Quang Trinh Ken Barker Reda Alhajj | Generating OWL Ontologies From Relational Database Systems | 2006 | ICIW |
Relational.OWL - A Data and Schema Representation Format Based on OWL | Cristian Pérez de Laborda Stefan Conrad | | 2005 | PAKDD |
SERIMI – Resource Description Similarity, RDF Instance Matching and Interlinking | Samur Araujo Jan Hidders Daniel Schwabe Arjen P. de Vries Abraham Bernstein | Ontology matching | 2011 | ArXiv |
SLINT: A Schema-Independent Linked Data Interlinking System | Khai Nguyen Ryutaro Ichise Bac Le | Link Discovery | 2012 | OM |
SPLENDID: SPARQL Endpoint Federation Exploiting VOID Descriptions | Olaf Gorlitz Steffen Staab | Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources | 2011 | COLD |
Towards a Knowledge Graph Representing Research Findings by Semantifying Survey Articles | Said Fathalla Sahar Vahdati Sören Auer Christoph Lange | Scholarly communication | 2017 | TPDL |
Towards a Knowledge Graph for Science | Sören Auer Viktor Kovtun Manuel Prinz Anna Kasprzik Markus Stocker | Scholarly communication | 2018 | WIMS |
Unveiling the hidden bride: deep annotation for mapping and migrating legacy data to the Semantic Web | Raphael Volz Siegfried Handschuh Steffen Staab Ljiljana Stojanovic Nenad Stojanovic | | 2004 | Journal of Web Semantics |
Updating Relational Data via SPARQL/Update | Matthias Hert Gerald Reif Harald C. Gall | | 2010 | EDBT |
Use of OWL and SWRL for Semantic Relational Database Translation | Matthew Fisher Mike Dean Greg Joiner | Ontology Mapping | 2008 | OWLED |
Zhishi.links Results for OAEI 2011 | Xing Niu Shu Rong Yunlong Zhang Haofen Wang | Ontology Alignment | 2011 | OM |